Fortnum & Mason's Wooden Tea Advent Calendar
November 23, 2015
Friends! Do you need some pretty distractions from the endless onslaught of unbearable news? I do. I feel like I am drowning in anxiety and doom. In order to give us all a break and to do my very, very small part in focusing on what is good and nice in the world, let's talk about pretty things. Okay? Like this epic wooden Advent calendar from Fortnum & Mason. It is handcrafted and beautiful and filled with all sorts of rare teas and costs a whopping £125.
It is decadent and absurd. But looking at it, for some reason, makes me feel better. Then I go back to reading the news, even though I know I shouldn't, and my heart breaks all over again. But maybe for a few minutes looking at this will make you feel better too.
(Also: One of the teas is called Ding Dong Oolong.)