Things That Made Me Happy This Week
January 30, 2015
Sometimes blogs are accused of peddling an unrealistic, gauzy version of life that makes readers feel inadequate over time. I'd hate to think of that happening here, not when I indulge in culinary confections such as this - cold, day-old rice dug out of the rice cooker and topped with a squirt of Heinz ketchup and toasted sesame seeds for lunch yesterday - on a regular basis.
(There was a whole dill pickle, too. Beforehand.)
(Those sesame seeds were totally inspired, though, right?!)
(I also am still wearing my workout clothes from this morning. I have not yet worked out. It's 2:07 pm.)
(Keeping it real!)
Today I'm only linking to things that just plain old made me happy this week:
We have all been despairing a lot about humanity lately, but help is here! If you also need your faith restored or want a quasi-religious joyous experience, you need to check this out. You probably alllllll know about Humans of New York, but on the off-chance you do not, you're welcome - it is possibly the very best thing on the entire Internet.
Catherine's 10-year-old (!) post on homemade hot chocolate. This blog may be the second best thing on the Internet.
Quietly freaking out about the concept of roasted shallot, tomato and pickled jalapeño quesadillas for dinner.
This video on creativity, which has made the rounds many times over, but which I stumbled upon again recently at a very opportune moment.
This is how masterful food blogging is done! Sometimes all you need are a few sentences. (And roasted onions.)
This video on...fatherhood? made me laugh so hard I cried. Tears rolling down my cheeks, gasping, etc. It's old (sorry!), but hysterical.
See you next week!