Saturday Round-Up
November 08, 2014
It's 6:50 again and Hugo and Max are both asleep this time - bliss - and I'm back at my desk with my trusty cup of tea. Thank you for all those virtual fist-bumps yesterday. They meant the world.
Berlin is celebrating the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Wall this weekend and the main event, a wall of 8,000 illuminated balloons that traces where the real Wall stood, was inaugurated last night. (If you can read German, this is an interesting article on the production of those balloons.) Whenever I see pictures of it, it gives me goosebumps, sort of like the Tribute of Light does. This aerial shot in particular. For those of you wondering what life in West Berlin with a Wall was like, these photos are just wonderful, especially the ones from Kreuzberg. I've written about this in my book - though it is so incredible to see it in black-and-white (or color, as the case may be) - but it really was as normal and almost banal as it seems in those pictures with kids playing ball and people sunning themselves. It was just part of the (totally surreal) landscape. (On our side, obviously.) Anyway, after a summer of miserable, horrible, no-good news from all over the world (not a small part of the reason I'm struggling with general anxiety and insomnia, I think), it just feels so good to relive all those special moments that led up to Wall falling. What a happy, special, incredible time that was. Also, this collection of memories from that time is a must-read.
Ha, I can hear Hugo chatting from the next room over, so I've got to get going now, but before I do, a few links for your weekend. I really miss doing these round-ups (this one was started and abandoned back in June, just as things started getting crazy). There's just so much good stuff out there. I'll try to be better about getting regular. (The last link below has obviously inspired me!)
Cheesy popcorn for dinner.
Caribbean hot chocolate for dessert.
This summer, the Baked guys were interviewed by Grace Bonney about growing their brand and it was absolutely fascinating to listen to all their stories about Baked's humble beginnings, their Oprah moment and their plans for the future. A must-listen for anyone running, opening or dreaming of owning a food business.
I have been craving stuffed cabbage something fierce lately. You too? Here you go. (That blog's beauty is something else.)
This piece, on creating community through meatballs, made the rounds in August, but it so touched and inspired me, I have to mention it here. Like so many others, I'm sure, I now desperately want my own Friday night meatball party tradition.
I can't get over the look of these striped, rippled meringues.
My lovely, glamorous friend Aparna just opened a South Indian street food restaurant called Chutnify in Berlin, where she's serving crisp, buttery dosas, a slew of housemade chutneys and many other delicious Indian dishes, as well as thoughtful, well-made cocktails. For a city long-deprived of good Indian food, this is totally revolutionary and deeply delicious. So proud of her.
Rachel's been writing about Roman cooking for the Guardian and her latest column about boiled beef and boiled beef sandwiches moistened with broth (!) is almost painfully good.
Next August, I'll have been writing this blog for 10 years. WHAT. Heidi's latest post is all about the art of long-term blogging. It's so thoughtful and interesting to get insight into how she works and why. She's such a pro.
Much love, take care, be well. xo