Friday Link Love
June 07, 2013
A few housekeeping points on this fine Friday morning!
First of all, I wanted to let you know that the Recipe Index has been updated for the first time, errr, in over two years. (Ridiculous, I know.) I'm so sorry for having been such a recipe-indexing delinquent. Bringing it up to date made me feel about three pounds lighter. I've been toying with the idea of highlighting my favorite recipes on there - what do you think? Would that be valuable to you?
Also, yesterday I discovered an insane amount of your wonderful, thoughtful comments in the spam comment folder! I have no idea why the spam filter is suddenly being so catankerous, but every last one of those comments was actually written by one of you nice people. Eep! More apologies. They've been restored to their rightful spots and I'll be checking the filter more often now.
Lastly, the blog redesign is trucking right along. Please to note my pride and joy: the navigation bar up there, just below the banner image. Head there whenever you're looking for the Cooking for Hugo posts, or the Archives or the aforementioned Recipe Index, or the link to Berlin on a Platter, among other things. Whee!
No less than five people have emailed me to tell me to try this bread recipe. Have you? Is it really that good?
Whenever I need a moment of zen, I head to Jen's blog.
This looks like a nice way to use up cooked brown rice.
Loved this story about a self-made apron (almost) millionaire.
Hol-ee mol-ee. A baking project to throw yourself into.
These anti-theft lunch bags made me laugh.
Have you ever cooked chicken breasts in milk?
Suzanne Goin's new cookbook is finally available for pre-order! I cannot wait to hold that thing in my hot little hands.
And finally, a Tumblr made for me.
Have a lovely weekend, darling friends. Next week I'll be writing to you from Italy!