Karen DeMasco's Carrot Cupcakes with Mascarpone Frosting
Russ Parsons's Spring Vegetables in Parchment

Friday Link Love


Isn't this pup fantastic? I met her a few weekends ago outside a cake shop so popular it had a line out the door. She couldn't stop gazing longingly at her owner's rustic orange cake, and I couldn't stop taking about a million photos of her sweet face.

Thank you for cheering me up, sweeties. The funk seems to have passed, largely, and I credit this to your comments, the fact that fresh rhubarb and white asparagus are finally at the market this week and the purchase of a ticket to New York in May. Problem solved! I plan on celebrating this and the full-fledged arrival of spring this weekend by wearing shoes without socks, stewing rhubarb and going to two dinner parties. Take that, funk.


Brandi Henderson makes making char siu bao look easy.

How to season a wok (via Jane Lear).

Once I learned to roast Brussels sprouts, I never looked back. For an ambrosial-sounding recipe involving roasted Brussels sprouts and Sriracha sauce (swoon!), go to page 19 of this online food magazine (via Food 52).

The winter may be (almost) over, but Winnie's mail-order sources for interesting citrus fruits are fantastic. Bookmark them for this year's Christmas presents.

I still remember a peanut stew I ate for lunch at Hale & Hearty back when I was a starving editorial assistant (I was obsessed with that place). Something tells me Melissa's Senegalese peanut stew is probably a whole lot more delicious.

Do you need a few moments of soothing procrastination? Leaf through this virtual copy of the Seed Saver's Exchange and I guarantee bliss. Thereafter, also a mean lust for your own garden.

Uh, sandwiches, scanned.

And for all of our worried minds, the most peaceful Tumblr ever (via The Catskill Kiwi).

Have a good weekend, everybody.
